15 Aug - 22 Aug 2002 Vulcano

Mediterranean Sea
Tyrrhenian Sea
Italian Republic
Aeolian Archipelago
Vulcano Island
Porto di Levante
SY "Kamu II" anchoring off.

Click below for a bird's-eye view of our anchorage:

Click here for a summary of this year's travels:
2002 Map

Matt: Rambling through the northern part of the island (with the 123-m high Vulcanello) which is connected to the rest of Vulcano Island by an isthmus which is flooded in bad weather and which emerged from the sea during an eruption in 183 BCE as a separate islet.

Matt: Climbing first up to the 391-m high rim and then down into the crater of the volcano Gran Cratere which was active in 1890 CE (the Romans believed that Gran Cratere on Vulcano Island was the chimney to god Vulcanus' workshop), hence smelling the sulphurous gases at the fumaroles field on the W side of the bottom of the crater and spotting droplets of molten sulphur, and one day later paying € 50.- for the pleasure and the privilege of being the pillion rider (right in front of a big and noisy three-blade wood propeller) behind a dare-devil pilot from Palermo in a test flight (cruising speed: 80 km/h, altitude: over 500 m) over Gran Cratere in a never-before seen cross between a tandem micro light and a rubber duck - a Polaris Flying Inflatable Boat (FIB) +390759227001.

Relaxing and rolling around repeatedly in the Laghetto di Fanghi, the famed stinking mud pit of thick, hot, smelly, sulphurous gloop (reputed to have therapeutic powers).